Each reason for the outlaw of love from his heart, added to the bricks of his wall of disbelief. Each reason for the outlaw of love from his heart, added to the bricks of his wa...
First love is so special.... First love is so special....
Few days ago, I had to go to Nehru Place on some personal errand and being a weekday, it is really t... Few days ago, I had to go to Nehru Place on some personal errand and being a wee...
If you do not have vitamin 'M' you will not able to do any... Have to have this vitamin very strong.... If you do not have vitamin 'M' you will not able to do any... Have to have this ...
Who knew such a good kid could get so involved in drugs like PCP?? Who knew such a good kid could get so involved in drugs like PCP??
He got goose bumps as he listened to the applause. He got goose bumps as he listened to the applause.